Marc Marquez breaks hand while training


A fall while out training on his bicycle results in a broken left hand for Marc Marquez ahead of the Japanese GP.

While out training with brother Alex Marquez on their bicycles on Tuesday, Marc Marquez suffered a fall resulting in a broken fifth metacarpal on his left hand. The Repsol Honda rider immediately went for surgery with Dr. Xavier Mir in Barcelona. The operation was successful and Marquez will fly to the Japan for the Motul Grand Prix of Japan as scheduled. He will undergo further checks in the build up to the race,

Dr Mir: “We have operated on Marc Marquez to treat a torsion fracture of the fifth metacarpal of his left hand. The surgery consisted of a reduction and internal fixation of the bone, through screws for compression and a neutralising titanium plate with six holes. After the insertion, the soft tissue has been closed up and we have placed a protective bandage around the finger, supporting it with the adjacent finger. Marc will remain in hospital for 24 hours, and in 48 hours will begin functional rehabilitation.”


Geplaatst op 30 september 2015, in MotoGP. Markeer de permalink als favoriet. Een reactie plaatsen.

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